Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Research Design Tools
Downloadable Tutorials
An Introduction to Epidemiology
Power and Sample Size Determination
An Introduction to Study Design
Downloadable Presentations
Accounting for Regression to the Mean and Natural Growth in Uncontrolled Weight Loss Studies
Mixed effects model for comparing treatments that alter length of life in the C. elegans model
Testing Differences in Glucose Profiles using AUC and Mixed Models
Analysis of Resting Metabolic Rate in a Latin Square Design With Repeated Measures
Downloadable Posters
Comparison of Area Under the Curve and Mixed Effects Models Methodologies for Profile Analysis
Prevalence of Distinct Combinations of Co-morbid Diagnostic Conditions for Metabolic Syndrome
Downloadable Papers
Approximate Test for Comparing Parameters of Several Inverse Hypergeometric Distributions
PAIR: paired allelic log-intensity-ratio-based normalization method