Fonseca       Bronson

For those interested in applying for the LA CaTS Roadmap Scholars Program, there will be an informational webinar on Thursday, January 9, 2020 at 2:30pm.

Webinar Title: LA CaTS Roadmap Scholar Application FAQs”

Presented by: Dr. Vivian Fonseca and Megan Bronson from the LA CaTS Professional Development Core

Click here to join Webinar

2020 Roadmap Scholars Program Applications

The LA CaTS Professional Development Core is pleased to announce a request for applications for the LA CaTS 2020 Roadmap Scholars Program. The full text of the application can be found here. For questions, contact the LA CaTS Professional Development Core at

Overview: The program supports 75% of the Scholar's salary and fringe (direct cost only for salary and fringe benefits). The program also funds travel to present at the Translational Science (ACTS) meeting (maximum of $2,500/year) and at another scientific research conference of the Scholar’s specialty, up to a maximum of $1,500/year. In addition, the Scholar’s mentor will receive a one-time allocation of $10,000 (direct cost only) to support the Roadmap Scholar’s research and career development. The program also covers costs of tuition for courses in the Master of Science in Clinical Research curriculum. Support is provided for 2 years, by the end of which we anticipate that the scholar will have competed successfully for an NIH Career Transition (K) award or its equivalent, providing continued protected mentored career development for a total of at least 5 years and providing protected time for advancement to an R01 or equivalent award.

Eligibility: Roadmap Scholars will be chosen each year. Applicants should hold an MD, DO, PhD, DDS, or PharmD. Please refer to any NIH K award guidelines for eligibility criteria. Applicants may be current members of the faculty or candidates for appointment to the faculty (prior to July 1, 2020) at Pennington Biomedical Research Center, LSU Health Sciences Center-New Orleans, or Tulane University.

 Important Dates:

  • Applications Deadline: 5:00pm on Monday, February 3, 2020 (submit via email to
  • Nominees and Mentors Notified by: Thursday, April 16, 2020
  • Salary support begins: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022
  • Classes begin for Scholars: Monday, July 6, 2020