Funding Opportunity

Aim: Provide support for junior and/or senior faculty to collaborate on planning and preparation for submissi on of inte  rdisciplinary and innovative grant applications.

Eligibility: Faculty members of LA CaTS institutions with a Ph.D., M.D., or equiv  a  lent degree, seeking to develop a  proposal in clinical or translational research to compete successfully for NIH or other extram  ural funding.

Support: up to $5,000
Funds can be used for:

  1. Holding grant planning meetings of potential collaborators to outline specific aims
  2. Bringing in an expert(s) in the field to discuss grant ideas, specific aims, collaboration
  3. Supporting a grant writing consultant to assist with preparation and/or review of grant application
  4. Hosting grant writing sessions such as retreats to prepare grant applications and working groups to design pilot projects to support grant applications
  5. Hiring student-worker(s) or technician (s) for literature review, technical assistance


Upcoming Deadline: June 1, 2018

For more information click HERE or email