Dr. Lucio Miele

Precision Medicine: Dr. Lucio Miele and team discover how some cancer cells resist treatment


As posted on EurekAlert! and published in PLOS ONE, an international team of scientists co-led by Lucio Miele, MD, PhD, Professor Professor and Chair of Genetics at LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine, and Justin Stebbing, BM BCh MA, PhD, Professor of Cancer Medicine and Medical Oncology at Imperial College of Medicine in London, has found new genetic mutations that promote the survival of cancer cells. The research also provided a clearer understanding of how some cancer cells are able to resist treatment. With this information, therapy could be tailored to the evolving genomic picture of each individual cancer -- the hallmark of precision medicine.

Click here to read the rest of the public release on EurekAlert!.

Dr. Miele is the director of the LA CaTS Center Biomedical Informatics Core. If you are interested in contacting the Biomedical Informatics Core, email us BiomedInformatics@LACaTS.org or make a request for a consultation on SPARC-https://sparc.lacats.org.