Grant Title: “A pragmatic, scalable e-health intervention for management of gestational weight gain in low-income mothers.”
Investigators: Dr. Leanne Redman, PI, Dr. L. Anne Gilmore, Co-I (Pennington Biomedical Research Center)
Drs. Redman and Gilmore presented their concept proposal for feedback to the LA CaTS Baton Rouge CAB at large. A subcommittee of the larger CAB consisting of 4 CAB members provided detailed feedback. Dr. Redman walked the CAB through the aims of her intended research in the Louisiana WIC (Women, Infants & Children) program which included at the heart, translation of a smart phone intervention (called SmartMoms) for healthy management of weight gain in pregnancy to the WIC population. The CAB was intimately involved in helping to determine: Selection of study outcomes, subject eligibility criteria, frequency of outcome assessment measures, recruitment and retention plan.
The CAB will have continued involvement in this research if funded. Namely in Phase 1
Phase 1 - Health Literacy and Cultural Adaptation of the Intervention
- The CAB will meet monthly along with a group of WIC mothers, to identify aspects of
the SmartMoms program that need attention for acculturation.
- The CAB will help to review various forms of media developed to deliver intervention materials (live and recorded videos) and strategies to boost retention in the control group (provide non-health related materials)
- Review the plan to create a FaceBook group to foster social engagement/support from women enrolled across the state
- Assist in the development of a ‘gamification’ component to SmartMoms program that will help to promote participant adherence.
Phase 2 - Randomized controlled trial
- During the randomized controlled trial which is planned in Phase 2; 416 women receiving WIC benefits across the State will be enrolled to either SmartMoms for WIC or the healthy living control group.
- During Phase 2 - the CAB will remain engaged in the research and through quarterly
meetings with Dr. Redman and her team will
- review recruitment data, participant adherence data and identify barriers and offer remedies to address.
Summary of BR CAB Activities
- Two lunch meetings (May 3 and May 10, 2017)
- Dr. Betty Kennedy (LA CaTS Community Outreach Specialist) will be an investigator on the project
- Letter of support from Dr. Stephanie Broyles (LA CaTS Community Engagement & Outreach Core Co-Director) and the Community Chair
UPDATE: Dr Redman’s proposal received a 29th percentile score at the NIH review panel held October 16 and will resubmit in early March. Dr. Redman is waiting for the comments from the review panel and will share with the CAB in order to address the comments and submit a revised (and stronger) application.
The LA CaTS Center currently supports three CABs, one in New Orleans, one in Baton Rouge and a newly formed one in Shreveport. If you are interested in learning more about the LA CaTS CABs and how to utilize them in your research, contact the Community Engagement & Outreach Core at or make a SPARC service request.