Human Subjects Research 2015

Tulane HRPO, CTU and LA CaTS will be providing 2 Research Updates for Principal Investigators:

The meetings will be held at 1440 Canal Street (Tidewater Building), on the 24th floor, room 2414.

The updates will include:

  • Regulatory Updates
  • Updates on Alternative Submission (IRB Share) and Recruitment Opportunities

Please RSVP by filling out the online registration: . Or call 504-988-0200.

We will also be providing a Clinical Research Coordinator Training on June 12th from 8am to 3pm (lunch and breaks will be provided). It will cover regulatory and Tulane specific updates, we welcome coordinators of all levels to attend. This workshop will include topics on:

  • IRB Criteria for Approval
  • Study Start-Up
  • Informed Consent
  • Study Documentation
  • Reporting Adverse Events
  • Study Staff Responsibilities
  • Preparing for an Audit
  • New Research Submission Opportunities (IRB Share)

The workshop will be held at 1440 Canal Street (Tidewater Building), on the 12th floor, room 1210.

Please RSVP by filling out the online registration: . Or call 504-988-0200.