11:00am - 12:30pm

Lecture 11:00 am-11:45 am

Promoting Health Literacy: Improving Health Communication and Informed Consent on a Path to Health Equity

Workshop 11:45 am-12:30 pm

Making your Documents, Consent Forms or Online Material More User-Friendly


This interactive workshop includes a 45 lecture on the role of health literacy and its impact on health equity and a 45-minute workshop on simplifying materials, consent and online websites using your own material and seeing examples of materials simplified. Attendees may attend either the lecture or workshop or both. Dr. Connie Arnold (LA CaTS Health Literacy Core Director) will give step by step guidance on how to make materials more user-friendly. This is a free workshop open to all LA CaTS Center Institutions and can be attended in person or by Teams.

Who Should Attend:

This session is aimed at all LA CaTS investigators, scholars, study coordinators and any other investigators or staff involved in clinical research.

Participants are welcome to send Dr. Arnold any materials or questions.

Questions: literacy@lacats.org
